Ore-Be-Gone Scuba Diving Encore 
Joe needed to go up north for work and Matt was in town, so the three of us went scuba diving at Ore-Be-Gone. There's a lot of neat stuff down there to look at, plus we saw fish all over.

Miranda got frightened by a railway cart underwater!! Giant man-eating-pit-sharks dont bug her, but an old rusty immobile cart does?! gofigure.

We don't look very enthused...

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Ore-Be-Gone Scuba Diving 
Today we went Scuba Diving up at Lake Ore-Be-Gone in Gilbert. Miranda's Dad came with and helped Miranda learn how to get down deep.. Since I am unable to clear my ears properly yet. Miranda did great, going down to around 30 feet with her dad. I only got down to around 20 and my ears are still hurting.. We used up all of our air in about an hour and a half. Chased fishes and navigated underwater trees, along with viewing some of the "scuba sights" of old railway cars and boat motors. It was Miranda's sister Sara's Birthday, so we had some of her great strawberry pie and ice cream cake after. Boy she is "Big".. (Almost Due! less than month).

Afterwords, we used Sara's son Hudson as a subject for testing our cameras. He's very swift and agile prey.. We decided Miranda's camera is much less "Grainy" and far better at catching "Action" shots.. (I could never get him while he was in the air).

Purple line shows our short path from the beach.

An Hudsonian action shot. (He thinks he can fly!). Wow he can fly!!

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Submerged Concrete Building Jumping 
Went out to an old concrete building sitting out in Lake Superior off of Canal Park in Duluth. My brother Tim and Miranda came. It's a fun place to swim around, climb, and jump off. Water was COLD today though!! Our tiny little 1mm wetsuits didn't do much to help, the others were all hanging out on top, because they didn't want to get back in until time to swim to shore...

A lot of people had swum out to the building today.

Tim and Joe simultaneous midair, nice shot Miranda!

Sister Laura & Miranda in fancy pants. - Brother Tim in cold water.

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Scuba Diving Practice at Buhl's Stubler Pit 
Miranda, my mother, and I practiced scuba diving at Stubler Pit in Buhl, MN. We mostly just stayed in the beach, eventually going into about 12' of water. We practiced clearing ears and bouyancy. Good time. Miranda and Mom did great. Forgot to take pictures, so I scribbled red on an aerial photo of where we went.

And afterwords we stopped at Luke & Sara's and had some FANTABULOUS PIE!!!
Thanks sara!


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