As soon as we woke up Wednesday morning, we moved the boat to the other side of the harbor and went in to shore to check out the Cathedral Caves. They were very neat. Trees growing through the rocks. We even saw a couple bats. Once we got back to the boat, we left the Eleuthras and headed for the Exumas. It's amazing how calm seas will make traveling so much nicer. We didn't arrive until almost 4:00, but now that the sun doesn't set until 7:00, we had some time to check out the beach and sand bar. We went far enough south to snorkel The Aquarium and check out the sandbar on O'Briens Cay. The kids had a blast. We have a full face mask for the twins. Joe got each of them to try it out and I pointed out fish for them. They were so excited. The next morning, we took turns going to The Aquarium. It's a pretty small area of coral and fish, but there were a crazy amount of fish. Ben got to snorkel it and had so much fun.

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Sapona Shipwreck 
We decided to head to the Sapona Shipwreck to check it out. It would definitely be an adventure for the adults as the kiddos wouldn't be able to explore it, but reading online made it sound worth it. The trip over didn't take too long and the hulk of metal popping out of the water was impressive as we approached.
There was only one boat there as we pulled up, and it was a dive boat collecting their divers. Rick and Joe went first. Once they were done, Chelsey, Jesse and I all jumped in and snorkeled around. It was very neat. It's an old concrete ship that ran aground in 1926 during a hurricane. A boat full of snorkelers showed up as we were swimming to the wreck, so we finished before they were getting in. Our timing was pretty perfect.
We went back to anchor and just spent the remainder of the day on the boat since we weren't trusting the dinghy.

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Trip to the Great Blue Hole 
Caye Caulker is definitely more laid back feeling than San Pedro. The roads aren't paved and there were basically only gold carts and bicycles, no cars. We found a hotel then tried to figure out what scuba companies were going to the Blue Hole the next day. We found a company and got all set up and ready for the next day.

We woke up and got to the dive shop around 5:30am. The boat ride was a bit rough in parts, but after the two hours, we arrived at the Blue Hole in the Lighthouse Atoll. I was surprised there was only one other boat there. We got ready and headed down into the water. Here's a link on the Blue Hole if you want info about it: Blue Hole

We reached the cave at 100 feet a lot quicker than I expected. The stalagmites were big and pretty neat. Once we came back up, we sat on the boat for a bit then headed to our next dive spot within the reef system. This dive was amazing! It was a wall, so it kept going really deep. The coral was stunning. The best we've seen. We saw a turtle and quite a few barracuda along with other fish. After coming up, we docked at Half Moon Caye for lunch.

That island is a bird sanctuary apparently. Red-footed Boobies nest there. After lunch we walked the trail to the birding platform. There were frigate birds all over the place along with a smattering of Red-footed Boobies. It was noisy and super neat.

Our last dive of the trip was near Long Caye. This dive was called the Long Caye Aquarium and for very good reason. There were fish everywhere! Some of the dive was pretty shallow, but we did go to a wall where we went a little deeper. Joe ended up even spotting a Spotted Eagle Ray, which was so beautiful.

Once the dive was over, we headed back to Caye Caulker. Fortunately, the water was a lot smoother. While on the way back, was passed a small pod of dolphins! We watched them a bit then kept on going.

Definitely great last dives.


Ariel photo for Blue Hole (from link posted earlier)

The view from our hotel room door.

The blue hole from the boat. Kind of hard to see, but the water was so pretty. (Click for larger photo)

So many birds! All the white and black spots are birds. The black are frigate birds, the white are either frigate bird young or Red-footed Boobies. (Click for larger photo)

A Red-footed Booby hanging out on a branch. (Click for larger photo)

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Windsurfing and Diving 
Since we couldn't go diving for a few days because of the wind, Joe decided to go windsurfing. There were a couple places within walking distance to rent a windsurfer from, so we headed there. He ended up going for it and was pretty warn out by the end, but did a good job. We came back a couple days later and he went out for another hour. So he did get some fun out of those windy days!

This morning we did get to go out for a dive. It was pretty hectic since no one had been able to dive for quite a few days. They had two boats go out. We had two groups on our boat (12 divers). The swells were definitely not even close to as bad as they were on Monday, but there were still definitely some large ones. I assume that's part of the reason they ask divers to descend right after they get off the boat instead of waiting for everyone. Of course that means that those that get off the boat first already have some of their air used up before the last people get down there. In other dives we've done, this wouldn't be a big deal. When someone runs low on air (1000 or 700 lbs depending on the preference of the dive master) the dive master sends that person and their buddy (or another diver that is low on air) up to do their three minute safety stop. This company apparently just goes by whoever has the least amount of air... This made for two pretty short dives. We normally do around 45 minute dives, even when our maximum depth is 80 feet. This time, both dives were barely over 30 minutes... So we felt a bit gypped in that regard.

However, the dives were pretty nice. The coral was gorgeous and on the second dive we saw so many nurse sharks, a couple really big ones. One very large Moray Eel was swimming around, right up to some of the divers. It was very obvious it had been fed in the past. Still pretty neat though.

We're leaving tomorrow morning for Caye Caulker, an island just south of here. We'll hopefully do more diving off that island as well.


Joe windsurfing.

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San Pedro Weather 
The weather hasn't been cooperating with is. We were supposed to go on a dive on Tuesday, but when we checked with the dive shop they said it was too rough to go out. It would be dangerous. The wind has been just crazy. You can see the waves of the reef from shore. They're huge!

Then this morning I woke up sick. Once I got back from breakfast (only could stomach a little bit of an orange smoothie) I checked my temp. It was almost 101. Within a number of hours it was back down to normal though. I still feel pretty awful, so maybe it's not so bad we can't go diving right now.

Supposedly it may rain tomorrow, then that could help things. Maybe we'll get to dive Friday.


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