This morning we walked to "Surfer's Paradise" to check it out. We rented a surf board so Joe could play in the waves some. Unfortunately, we picked a bad place to start. He was basically in a river and spent basically all the time paddling. When we moved to a different area, he was definitely more successful. I went out and played some, but I've mostly decided that surfing isn't for me. I really don't like getting beat up by the water.

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We've gone out surfing each morning so far. Wednesday started out poorly, but definitely go better. Thursday it was just choppy and gross out there, so we both ended up getting a bit of a beating. Today it started out really nice and progressively got messier. I couldn't really get past the bigger waves to get out where it was quieter (where you sit and wait for waves) so instead of fighting it, I just kept catching ones closer to shore and practicing standing up, of which I'm still not good at.
Joe ended up catching a wave in the perfect spot apparently and was riding it sideways and everything. After that, his board kept spinning out from underneath him and he couldn't figure out why. He eventually noticed that his fin was missing... It completely busted off! If we ever doubted how vital the fin is, we definitely don't anymore.
We went into Newport to see about either getting a fin or seeing how long and how much to fix it. We figured it would be probably a week or more, which it turned out to be, but it's not very expensive. So, Joe just bought a cheap fin and is going to JB Weld it in. That will hopefully last until we head home and then someone at home can fix it.
We're here for the night, but don't know if they'll have a spot for us tomorrow night. We'll see.
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Exciting Surf this morning. Went out at 9am on a cloudy day. Miranda still stayed with kitty because of back pain last few days. On the beach, I noticed a Dead Seal body in a mess of Kelp.. hmmm.. Out in the water, The typical Seals were poping their heads out and staring all rudely about 25 feet away. Out in front of me, I Saw a Big Fin.. . . I freaked, Turned out to be a Dolphin fin though... Little later watched 4-6 dolphons jumping The surf 100 yards away. A single Fin popped up about 30 feet away from me. Later on saw a Sea Otter Lazing on it's back, paddling out to see.. And the whole while Giant Pelicans coming within a Couple feet of my head as they Wind-Surf The same Waves to save on Flapping their wings.. . Also saw a couple baby diving birds of some sort nearby. All in all, a big load of Items on the food chain.. . Had my mind on the one missing Predator to make the party complete, but never saw one ;) Oh.. and the surf itself, is o.k. Morro Bay was better.
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So Joe and I are staying in Morro Bay, CA which is between San Fransisco and LA on the coast. Joe tried surfing yesterday and got a bit beat up. The forecast sounds like the waves should be good tomorrow so we're both going to try then and see how it goes.

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Last Friday (yes these entries are a little out of order) we went surfing before leaving the campground. Since the sun wasn't directly behind us, Joe decided to try and get some video of me surfing. Nothing too exciting.. I was under a bit of pressure.

CLICK FOR VIDEO:Miranda Surfing
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