we rock jumped about 1/2 mile up it. through a tunnel, and then monkey-bar'd it across the river under a bridge. Later went Windsurfing in the Bay. Far too much wind for my first time out this year, wasn't in shape for it. Roommate Tone's girlfriend Jill came with, but didn't want to try.
Oooohh I have a wake
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Miranda and I went out sailing with Scott Tonight. Friday night fun race. Very light wind, but we were winning! Got real far up ahead... But the only problem with winning is that you have to follow the proper course to continue your lead... Captain Scott decided we should go around a bouy a 1/4mile off course... Near mutiny when the crew noticed the mistake.. but we still ended up with second place
Nice view of the 4 other racers in our very tiny wake...
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Went out sailing with my buddy Scott. It was a big race, huge winds 20-30mph. Miranda managed to get out of it.
We did a terrible show
Bad picture of Scott, Amber, and Duluth Harbor.
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