Joe Update 
So, Joe got the engine all fixed by Thursday. He then left and drove 30 miles and a tire blew. The tire also blew off a storage compartment that was carrying the tire iron and the specialized tools that are needed to take get the spare tire out. So, he spent the night at a gas station with a tire store not too far away.
I haven't heard from him today, but I'm hoping he got the tire fixed and maybe even all the tires replaced if needed.


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Yep, We're Boring 
So, we've just been hanging out at the house and working on the game basically. I thought I would put this up in case there are people still checking the site. :) We went for a walk yesterday since it was pretty nice. There's a broken water valve or something a few blocks away from our house and every year it makes a neat ice sculpture. So, we walked there and I took some pics.


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We are in Black Canyon City in an RV park. We went to the potluck here. Joe made a falafel salad thing and I think we were the only ones that ate any of it. I think it was a little too weird for a thanksgiving dinner I guess. Oh well. Now we know what we're having for dinner tonight. :) We had some good food though.

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Hmm... yeah. Let's just say we didn't like Phoenix and will never go back. We did go to a Kelly Clarkson concert which I thoroughly enjoyed and Joe suffered through. :) We left the city after that.
We'll just leave it at the "if you don't have anything good to say..."

We are currently staying at a nice RV park in Black Canyon City where we will spend Thanksgiving. We have even been invited to a potluck. Still debating on whether we'll go or not. Joe will have to come up with something to make. :)


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Sonoran Desert National Monument 
We stayed in the Sonoran Desert for a couple nights. There wasn't much set up for it, but there was a road that went to a toilet, so we stayed there and went for some walks to check out the area. It was a neat area, but the first morning we were there a bunch of ATV's that went zooming down the road. For the most part, they just went past and kept on going. There was one group the, for some reason, decided to zip around by our RV, kicking dust up. Nice.

That small white speck is our RV. There were train tracks not terribly far away that was frequently used. It was mostly background noise, but we kept thinking a vehicle was coming down the dirt road. :)

A view near the top of a small mountain we went up.

A crazy, big cactus.

Cactus skeleton

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