So it has been in the 90's for at least a couple weeks... Very hot and dry. It's raining now :) Woohoo! I also finished work today so Joe and I are going to be packing up the RV tomorrow in order to leave very soon. His plan is tomorrow night.. (driving will be less busy). Plus we want to get to Spokane relatively soon to check out a Sprint store about internet. Pat's sister was by and stayed for a night a couple weeks ago. She and her husband were truckers for a while and apparently she used something with Sprint for internet and she said they had really good coverage... We'll see how it goes.


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Joe and I went with Pat and Nancy this morning as they went fishing. No, we don't fish, but they were heading up to Glacier National Park to McDonald Lake. This did mean we had to get up really early.... about 6 am. However, the scenery was beautiful. It was a gorgeous morning and the lake was really calm. We even got root beer floats on the way home. :)


Joe was not overly happy getting up that early. :)

Some of the mountains. To see a couple more scenery pics, see the deviant art pic.

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Horse Isle! 
So, as most know by now, Horse Isle has been live for almost 2 months now. Woohoo. We just added a second server to accommodate the players. I don't remember if I put this pic up or not before it we lost our entries. Some of the beta testers did this in one of the drawing rooms on the game the very first day when we went live and I thought it was very cute.


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Missing Entries 
There were some problems with rangenet the last couple days and our website was basically deleted. The last backup that there was, was from Feb. Hence, the newest entry being from Feb. But, we're heading back to Montana in a week to get in the RV and maybe do some more traveling. We'll see how things work out.


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So this is a bit late, but I kept forgetting to get the pictures from my camera onto the computer.
I got the day off for my birthday so I got to sleep in. Also, the neighbors horses were down by the fence so I went to see them. I brought some carrots too. It was raining so I didn't stay out long.


The neighbors horses. The one tended to drop the carrots I gave him.

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