Yesterday I went outside to get the mail and noticed Curly in the flower garden. He had 2 baby Robins. One was clearly not doing well and going to die, the other one was sitting up with it's mouth open. So, I scooped that one up and tried to see if I could find its nest. Of course that was pretty futile, so I now felt responsible for it and took it inside.
I interned for a summer in an Avian Nursery at a wildlife rehab center, so I knew what the bird needed to live, but I didn't have what I needed. I made up a food slurry and used the heat pack to keep it warm. We then went to Mexican night. When we got back, instead of just one baby bird in the garden, there were two.... Apparently Curly went back to the nest and got the last sibling. :( I buried those two and proceeded to care for the one inside. It made it through the night, but ended up dying around 11am today.
Hopefully Curly won't make a habit of finding and raiding bird nests. I can't really blame him, but I hope he sticks to the rodents.
The baby bird.
The flowers Mary planted. I thought I would show how cute they look for something a little happier.
Here's the other side.
Since we got home we have been not only working on the game, but working on getting the Toyota RV ready to go out on a trip. We had a lot of fun on our short adventure that we decided to go out this winter and head south, like some retired folks do. The old RV is set up so nicely for us that we feel a bit sad letting it go, but with the problems we started having, we decided that it is time for that one to be put to bed. Since Joe went through a huge mess to get the Toyota RV, we decided it would be best to use it.
So, Joe started by pulling everything out of the RV that we don't need. This mostly includes the bathroom. This not only lightens the RV some by getting rid of a bunch of that weight, but it also frees up that whole area for storage and a kitty play area. Hopefully we'll be able to get it all put together how we want in the next month.
Hopefully we didn't need any of this....
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Well, we made it home. I spent most of the day unpacking the RV. The RV is mostly done and a lot of stuff is put away. Mary took care of the house while we were gone and we came back to not only a clean and organized house, but the yard is very pretty now. She even put in pretty flowers out front. :D
So, we'll be home for a while now. At least until fall. ;)
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We left the oil field and kept working our way home. We stopped at a person's house along the way. She's one of the players and quest writers for the game. She fed us some great pizza. After that, we kept going and made it all the way to Baxter and stayed in a Gander Mountain parking lot. We should make it home in 4-5 hours now.
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We ended up staying in the parking lot of the bar Sara works at since there was a large dirt area of the lot. This afternoon, we went out to lunch with Sara and her roommate. We then headed out of town and have basically been driving ever since. We are now sitting just south of Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, parked in a National Grassland which is also an oil field. We'll be back on the road tomorrow morning.
I'll post the Yellowstone photos here.
Old Faithful erupting.
An old geyser.
One of many very neat colored, hot springs. This one is one of the hottest I believe.
Joe's favorite area in the park. He likes his rocks. ;) This very short little road went through the rocks. It looked like giant boulders had just been thrown down to the ground.
A mountain goat that was just off the side of the highway while we were working our way out of the park.
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