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The site we're working on right now is called Bitterroot View. It has a beautiful view of Bitterroot Lake. Many mornings there is fog covering the lake that eventually burns away (when it's a nice day). Yesterday morning there was about an inch of snow on the ground, but that melted by lunch time.
This week has been easy for me. I've been keeping up and even though there was a problem with the delimber that Pat and I had to fix for about an hour, I still mostly caught up in the hour before quiting time. Joe has been home all week working on his project and doing some Rangenet work. He'll probably come to work next week to help us move to the second part of the job we're on.

Joe, Tom, and Jesse eating lunch by the yarder and a fire that Joe built.

Bitterroot Lake.

Look at the cool cloud inversion.
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Well, I've basically been keeping up. I stayed late one day last week, but Pat has to load trucks early in the morning so he has time to work on my piles of logs before we (the crew) get there. This week has been going fairly well. I keep learning new things and how best to deal with other things.
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The Hanley's have two cows. It was really nice out on Saturday so I went out with my camera to find them and get some pictures. Once they saw me out there they came right up to me then started following me when I was leaving. Before I started the logging I fed the cows in the evening for Pat. They really like their apples so they were hoping I would give them some (they each got two


The red cow coming through the trees to check me out.

The black cow.

They tried not to look like they were obviously following me at first.
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I had my first day working alone without the retired delimber operator there to help me with problems or to catch up when there's a big pile of logs. It went really well. I stayed caught up and I didn't have too many problems. The hardest thing to tell sometimes is if a log is rotten and how much is too much. I think I may have kept up though because they were going a little slow. Tomorrow will be the big test. We're doing clipper piles which basically means they send up a group of trees at once and there isn't normally much time between because the piles are fairly easy to get to.
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